Liberal In Texas
Liberal In Texas's JournalTheir propaganda was super charged with nearly unlimited billionaire resources.
This is magnified by the right wing media structure that they've been putting together since the 80s. The lies are repeated over and over and pretty soon voters start believing we are in a recession and the price of eggs is the fault of Joe Biden. Traditional corporate media has been cowed into both-siderism afraid of being accused of the dreaded "Liberal Media" insult. This is exacerbated by media owners pulling the reins back on news departments so as not to jeopardize political favor or tax cuts.
Voters were told that the economy was the best in the world after the recovery from covid shut-downs and other good news and positive things were campaigned on. It's just that the RW noise drowned it out. It isn't a matter of listening to fly-over country, it's a matter of being able to get a message out that they will actually hear. And have it repeated over and over.
If I might make a suggestion...
First of all, that's quite a story. You seem to have a wonderful family and have had a pretty darn good life.
My suggestion is that you have these precious old pictures that have faded and colors dimmed with age. Unless our folks or friends used Kodachrome back in the day, almost every picture that is decades old could use a little TLC.
I've been going through my old family and work pictures and have been scanning them to make an electronic record when the paper and the slides will inevitably be lost or destroyed from age or neglect.
I discovered just using a scanner on my printer was less than satisfying and even programs like PhotoShop only did so much and were time consuming and difficult to use. And I have a bunch of family slides and the printer scanner is worthless for scanning them in.
Anyway, I found that Epson makes a scanner and the software it come with is just amazing. Basically, you scan your photo or slide and click on the color restore box and maybe tweak it a little more with other adjustments and voila:
(Late 70s photo I took of our TV station's helicopter with an obvious Before and After)
I'm using an Epson V600 but other makes might be available. There may be some snazzy models in Germany I don't know about. But the one I'm using works like magic.
Thanks for sharing your story. It is very interesting.
No. To me the camera was square-on to both of them. Biden wasn't looking at the camera when
he should have been. Many times he was addressing the moderators who were on the right side of the camera. On TV you have to look at the audience - the camera not people in the room. Trump has had years and years of experience doing this. And Biden should have been coached to do it too.
Speaking of the Biden debate team: They made a big - huge - mistake asking for Biden to be on the right side of the set and therefor the right side of the "double box" during the broadcast. TV stations and networks all know that you put your on-air talent, anchors, hosts almost always on the left side and the guest on the right. The left side is a position of authority, the position where the questions are being asked the position of the person who is the leader of their show. If you don't believe me just watch any local or network broadcast.
And don't start off with "Thank you for taking my call." It's a waste of time.
You are actually doing the host a favor by calling. It fills the time for his/her show. They should be thanking you for calling and giving them free content.
"First time caller, long time listener." Frankly I don't care. Get on with your topic.
Also a waste of time is, "How are you?" If you've actually been listening you would have heard the host answer that question about a dozen times so far.
There are others that drive me crazy. I was going to write a whole post on the topic of radio show calling but haven't gotten around to it.
I've known about this show for years and
was pretty sure the evil Trump in the show was a direct parody of the real evil Trump - Fred.
But I didn't realize how much the show producers picked an actor that looked so much like the real evil thing.
On this Father's Day and with the recent D-Day anniversary, I just wanted to post this about my dad...
He was a WW2 veteran who fought in Europe and was wounded in Europe.
He took this picture of the Howitzer he was in charge of. I don't have any information about where this is except he said he was in France and Germany.
I don't believe he ever got over his war wounds and the Army retired him.
He died at a young age, 47.
To all our dads who fought the fascists and Nazis we remember you today.
May we have the peace that you believed you won so long ago.
Some good news for a change.
OK...Only Day One on these stats...but but but...
Of the 51,249 Texans who cast ballots Tuesday on the first day of early voting, more than half voted in the Democratic primary.
The total number of voters from the 15 counties with the most people registered is high for a midterm year.
In Dallas County, 4,023 people voted in the Democratic primary, an increase over the 2,587 people who voted in 2014 and the 2,908 in 2016.
(One must remember Dallas County is blue, and has been for a long while. Like Austin. And Houston. And San Antonio. We can't do much about the rubes in the sticks. But this is a really good trend for not only Dallas but Texas as a whole.)
"In general, there seems to be more energy, largely stemming from people's reactions to President Trump and a lot of Democrat-leaning groups trying to get people out and organized," said Robert Lowry, a political science professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. "It's maybe more Democrats than Republicans, but people who oppose him and don't like the results of the election and can't believe he won, [saying] 'We obviously can't vote against him this time but we can try to get more Democrats elected to respond to him.'"
From the Dallas Morning News.
If we can get this done in Texas...boy oh boy.
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